Wednesday, February 12, 2014

January 2014 World Vocab Newsletter!

Thank you for joining us for our January 2014 newsletter for World Vocab™! We would like to begin by giving you a special promotion for being a part of our community!

Promotion Level Plus $10: (COMPLETELY FREE +10$) If you purchase any of our vocabulary sets and are willing to submit a written, audio and/or visual testimonial to us via e-mail about how our product worked for you then we will refund the total purchase price and send you an additional $10.00's via paypal to an account of your choosing or send you a check!

If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to contact for answers to any of your questions! 

February Outlook!

Monthly Free Lesson - February 7th, 2014
Our next free lesson will be active February 7th! It will contain a mixture of vocabulary from our these three sets; Business I, Animals I, and Food and Restaurant I.  We hope you enjoy the lesson and give us tons of feedback!

Power Vocab™ Spanish - February 15th, 2014

We plan on rolling out smaller, bite-sized, more affordable vocabulary lessons by mid-February.  We are coining these smaller portions Power Vocab™ because you will easily be able to POWER through them when you do not have a bunch of time to spend.  They will be 15-20 minutes long with roughly 50 vocabulary words.  They will be comprised of a Spanish to English and an English to Spanish mix of vocabulary pairs.

Quick Vocab™ German and Power Vocab™ German - February 15th, 2014

We are finally finishing up some of our German vocabulary and plan to roll out our German product line and webpage updates.  The audio will be voiced by a man from Freiburg, Germany, as well as a man from Chicago, IL.  The original product line will be built to match the Spanish release.

Our Future Goals For World Vocab™ 

After finishing the roll-out of German and Spanish vocabulary sets we wish to expand our efforts into French and Italian, while continuing to build on the German and Spanish vocabulary sets.  The next step after French and Italian are added to our language offerings we plan on taking our vocabulary lessons to the next level.  Our initial product roll-out was only going to be comprised of simple to use for all levels, hence the name Quick Vocab™. We will keep the follow along practice theme but will introduce up to 5 context specific sentences for each word.  This will allow the individual to grasp, which words need to be used together.  What is meant by this is that certain verbs have to be used with a specific conjunction when speaking about a specific noun.  An example of this would be the following;

In English we say the phrase, "I cleaned off the table"
In other languages the literal translation could be, "I cleaned up the table" or "I cleared up the table".  

Different cultures use conjunctions and verbs differently in different context and this is what we are going to capture in our lessons.  Training with our vocabulary in this fashion will ultimately create the correct verb, conjunction, noun pairs for correct context.  

We hope you will join us on our language journey and that you all will gain much from our lessons!

If you have any comments or questions please contact us at  Please join us on Facebook and Twitter!

-Grover Donlon

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